optoanalysis package

optoanalysis.optoanalysis module

class optoanalysis.optoanalysis.DataObject(filepath, RelativeChannelNo=None, SampleFreq=None, NumberOfChannels=None, PointsToLoad=-1, calcPSD=True, NPerSegmentPSD=1000000, NormaliseByMonitorOutput=False)[source]

Bases: object

Creates an object containing data and all it’s properties.

filepath : string

filepath to the file containing the data used to initialise this particular instance of the DataObject class

filename : string

filename of the file containing the data used to initialise this particular instance of the DataObject class

time : frange

Contains the time data as an frange object. Can get a generator or array of this object.

voltage : ndarray

Contains the voltage data in Volts

SampleFreq : sample frequency used to sample the data (when it was

taken by the oscilloscope)

freqs : ndarray

Contains the frequencies corresponding to the PSD (Pulse Spectral Density)

PSD : ndarray

Contains the values for the PSD (Pulse Spectral Density) as calculated at each frequency contained in freqs

calc_area_under_PSD(lowerFreq, upperFreq)[source]

Sums the area under the PSD from lowerFreq to upperFreq.

lowerFreq : float

The lower limit of frequency to sum from

upperFreq : float

The upper limit of frequency to sum to

AreaUnderPSD : float

The area under the PSD from lowerFreq to upperFreq

calc_gamma_from_RSquaredPSD_fit(GammaGuess=None, CutOffFreq=None, FreqTrapGuess=None, AGuess=None, OffsetGuess=None, FractionOfSampleFreq=1, NPerSegmentPSD=None, Fit_xlim=None, silent=False, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True)[source]

Calculates the total damping, i.e. Gamma, by calculating the RSquared PSD of the position-time trace. The RSquared is fitted with the R^2 function. The methodology is explained in the following paper (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023349) and the function returns the parameters with errors.

GammaGuess : float, optional

Inital guess for BigGamma in Radians If None takes Gamma from a previously done PSD fit

CutOffFreq : float, optional

is the cut off frequncy to get rid of the 2*omega component, make this several times larger than your linewidth, in Hz

FreqTrapGuess : float, optional

Inital guess for the trapping Frequency in Hz If None takes FreqTrap from a previously done PSD fit

AGuess : float, optional

Inital guess for the multiplicative factor in R^2 which equals: 8*(S_F/(2m^2*Omega0^2))^2 If None, AGuess set to 1.

OffsetGuess : float, optional

Additive Offset to the fitting equation. If None, OffsetGuess is set to 0.

FractionOfSampleFreq : integer, optional

The fraction of the sample frequency to sub-sample the data by. This sometimes needs to be done because a filter with the appropriate frequency response may not be generated using the sample rate at which the data was taken. Increasing this number means the R Squared signal produced by this function will be sampled at a lower rate but a higher number means a higher chance that the filter produced will have a nice frequency response.

NPerSegmentPSD : int, optional

NPerSegment to pass to scipy.signal.welch to calculate the PSD default = 100/BigGamma*SampleFreq

Fit_xlim : list of float, optional

limits the R Squared PSD signal used for the fit function, i.e.: [lowerLimit, upperLimit] default = [RSquared_freqs[0], 0.75 * CutOffFreq]

silent : bool, optional

Whether it prints the values fitted or is silent.

MakeFig : bool, optional

Whether to construct and return the figure object showing the fitting. defaults to True

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figure object when it has been created. defaults to True

Gamma : ufloat

Big Gamma, the total damping in radians

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created showing the autocorrelation of the data with the fit

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The axes object created showing the autocorrelation of the data with the fit

calc_gamma_from_energy_autocorrelation_fit(GammaGuess=None, silent=False, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True)[source]

Calculates the total damping, i.e. Gamma, by calculating the energy each point in time. This energy array is then used for the autocorrleation. The autocorrelation is fitted with an exponential relaxation function and the function returns the parameters with errors.

GammaGuess : float, optional

Inital guess for BigGamma (in radians)

silent : bool, optional

Whether it prints the values fitted or is silent.

MakeFig : bool, optional

Whether to construct and return the figure object showing the fitting. defaults to True

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figure object when it has been created. defaults to True

Gamma : ufloat

Big Gamma, the total damping in radians

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created showing the autocorrelation of the data with the fit

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The axes object created showing the autocorrelation of the data with the fit

calc_gamma_from_position_autocorrelation_fit(GammaGuess=None, FreqTrapGuess=None, silent=False, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True)[source]

Calculates the total damping, i.e. Gamma, by calculating the autocorrleation of the position-time trace. The autocorrelation is fitted with an exponential relaxation function derived in Tongcang Li’s 2013 thesis (DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6031-2) and the function (equation 4.20 in the thesis) returns the parameters with errors.

GammaGuess : float, optional

Inital guess for BigGamma (in radians)

FreqTrapGuess : float, optional

Inital guess for the trapping Frequency in Hz

silent : bool, optional

Whether it prints the values fitted or is silent.

MakeFig : bool, optional

Whether to construct and return the figure object showing the fitting. defaults to True

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figure object when it has been created. defaults to True

Gamma : ufloat

Big Gamma, the total damping in radians

OmegaTrap : ufloat

Trapping frequency in radians

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created showing the autocorrelation of the data with the fit

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The axes object created showing the autocorrelation of the data with the fit

calc_gamma_from_variance_autocorrelation_fit(NumberOfOscillations, GammaGuess=None, silent=False, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True)[source]

Calculates the total damping, i.e. Gamma, by splitting the time trace into chunks of NumberOfOscillations oscillations and calculated the variance of each of these chunks. This array of varainces is then used for the autocorrleation. The autocorrelation is fitted with an exponential relaxation function and the function returns the parameters with errors.

NumberOfOscillations : int

The number of oscillations each chunk of the timetrace used to calculate the variance should contain.

GammaGuess : float, optional

Inital guess for BigGamma (in radians)

Silent : bool, optional

Whether it prints the values fitted or is silent.

MakeFig : bool, optional

Whether to construct and return the figure object showing the fitting. defaults to True

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figure object when it has been created. defaults to True

Gamma : ufloat

Big Gamma, the total damping in radians

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created showing the autocorrelation of the data with the fit

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The axes object created showing the autocorrelation of the data with the fit

calc_phase_space(freq, ConvFactor, PeakWidth=10000, FractionOfSampleFreq=1, timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, PointsOfPadding=500, ShowPSD=False)[source]

Calculates the position and velocity (in m) for use in plotting the phase space distribution.

freq : float

The frequenecy of the peak (Trapping frequency of the dimension of interest)

ConvFactor : float (or ufloat)

The conversion factor between Volts and Meters

PeakWidth : float, optional

The width of the peak. Defaults to 10KHz

FractionOfSampleFreq : int, optional

The fraction of the sample freq to use to filter the data. Defaults to 1.

timeStart : float, optional

Starting time for data from which to calculate the phase space. Defaults to start of time data.

timeEnd : float, optional

Ending time for data from which to calculate the phase space. Defaults to start of time data.

PointsOfPadding : float, optional

How many points of the data at the beginning and end to disregard for plotting the phase space, to remove filtering artifacts. Defaults to 500

ShowPSD : bool, optional

Where to show the PSD of the unfiltered and the filtered signal used to make the phase space plot. Defaults to False.

*args, **kwargs : optional

args and kwargs passed to qplots.joint_plot

time : ndarray

time corresponding to position and velocity

PosArray : ndarray

Array of position of the particle in time

VelArray : ndarray

Array of velocity of the particle in time

extract_ZXY_motion(ApproxZXYFreqs, uncertaintyInFreqs, ZXYPeakWidths, subSampleFraction=1, NPerSegmentPSD=1000000, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True)[source]

Extracts the x, y and z signals (in volts) from the voltage signal. Does this by finding the highest peaks in the signal about the approximate frequencies, using the uncertaintyinfreqs parameter as the width it searches. It then uses the ZXYPeakWidths to construct bandpass IIR filters for each frequency and filtering them. If too high a sample frequency has been used to collect the data scipy may not be able to construct a filter good enough, in this case increasing the subSampleFraction may be nessesary.

ApproxZXYFreqs : array_like

A sequency containing 3 elements, the approximate z, x and y frequency respectively.

uncertaintyInFreqs : float

The uncertainty in the z, x and y frequency respectively.

ZXYPeakWidths : array_like

A sequency containing 3 elements, the widths of the z, x and y frequency peaks respectively.

subSampleFraction : int, optional

How much to sub-sample the data by before filtering, effectively reducing the sample frequency by this fraction.

NPerSegmentPSD : int, optional

NPerSegment to pass to scipy.signal.welch to calculate the PSD

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figures produced of the PSD of the original signal along with the filtered x, y and z.

self.zVolts : ndarray

The z signal in volts extracted by bandpass IIR filtering

self.xVolts : ndarray

The x signal in volts extracted by bandpass IIR filtering

self.yVolts : ndarray

The y signal in volts extracted by bandpass IIR filtering

time : ndarray

The array of times corresponding to the above 3 arrays

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

figure object containing a plot of the PSD of the original signal with the z, x and y filtered signals

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

axes object corresponding to the above figure

extract_parameters(P_mbar, P_Error, method='chang')[source]

Extracts the Radius, mass and Conversion factor for a particle.

P_mbar : float

The pressure in mbar when the data was taken.

P_Error : float

The error in the pressure value (as a decimal e.g. 15% = 0.15)

Radius : uncertainties.ufloat

The radius of the particle in m

Mass : uncertainties.ufloat

The mass of the particle in kg

ConvFactor : uncertainties.ufloat

The conversion factor between volts/m

filter_data(freq, FractionOfSampleFreq=1, PeakWidth=10000, filterImplementation='filtfilt', timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, NPerSegmentPSD=1000000, PyCUDA=False, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True)[source]

filter out data about a central frequency with some bandwidth using an IIR filter.

freq : float

The frequency of the peak of interest in the PSD

FractionOfSampleFreq : integer, optional

The fraction of the sample frequency to sub-sample the data by. This sometimes needs to be done because a filter with the appropriate frequency response may not be generated using the sample rate at which the data was taken. Increasing this number means the x, y and z signals produced by this function will be sampled at a lower rate but a higher number means a higher chance that the filter produced will have a nice frequency response.

PeakWidth : float, optional

The width of the pass-band of the IIR filter to be generated to filter the peak. Defaults to 10KHz

filterImplementation : string, optional

filtfilt or lfilter - use scipy.filtfilt or lfilter ifft - uses built in IFFT_filter default: filtfilt

timeStart : float, optional

Starting time for filtering. Defaults to start of time data.

timeEnd : float, optional

Ending time for filtering. Defaults to end of time data.

NPerSegmentPSD : int, optional

NPerSegment to pass to scipy.signal.welch to calculate the PSD

PyCUDA : bool, optional

Only important for the ‘ifft’-method If True, uses PyCUDA to accelerate the FFT and IFFT via using your NVIDIA-GPU If False, performs FFT and IFFT with conventional scipy.fftpack

MakeFig : bool, optional

If True - generate figure showing filtered and unfiltered PSD Defaults to True.

show_fig : bool, optional

If True - plot unfiltered and filtered PSD Defaults to True.

timedata : ndarray

Array containing the time data

FiletedData : ndarray

Array containing the filtered signal in volts with time.

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created showing the PSD of the filtered and unfiltered signal

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The axes object created showing the PSD of the filtered and unfiltered signal

get_PSD(NPerSegment=1000000, window='hann', timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, override=False)[source]

Extracts the power spectral density (PSD) from the data.

NPerSegment : int, optional

Length of each segment used in scipy.welch default = 1000000

window : str or tuple or array_like, optional

Desired window to use. See get_window for a list of windows and required parameters. If window is array_like it will be used directly as the window and its length will be used for nperseg. default = “hann”

freqs : ndarray

Array containing the frequencies at which the PSD has been calculated

PSD : ndarray

Array containing the value of the PSD at the corresponding frequency value in V**2/Hz

get_fit(TrapFreq, WidthOfPeakToFit, A_Initial=1000000000.0, Gamma_Initial=400, silent=False, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True, plot_initial=True)[source]

Function that fits to a peak to the PSD to extract the frequency, A factor and Gamma (damping) factor.

TrapFreq : float

The approximate trapping frequency to use initially as the centre of the peak

WidthOfPeakToFit : float

The width of the peak to be fitted to. This limits the region that the fitting function can see in order to stop it from fitting to the wrong peak

A_Initial : float, optional

The initial value of the A parameter to use in fitting

Gamma_Initial : float, optional

The initial value of the Gamma parameter to use in fitting

Silent : bool, optional

Whether to print any output when running this function defaults to False

MakeFig : bool, optional

Whether to construct and return the figure object showing the fitting. defaults to True

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figure object when it has been created. defaults to True

A : uncertainties.ufloat

Fitting constant A A = γ**2*2*Γ_0*(K_b*T_0)/(π*m) where: γ = conversionFactor Γ_0 = Damping factor due to environment π = pi

OmegaTrap : uncertainties.ufloat

The trapping frequency in the z axis (in angular frequency)

Gamma : uncertainties.ufloat

The damping factor Gamma = Γ = Γ_0 + δΓ where: Γ_0 = Damping factor due to environment δΓ = extra damping due to feedback or other effects

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

figure object containing the plot

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

axes with the data plotted of the: - initial data - smoothed data - initial fit - final fit

get_fit_auto(CentralFreq, MaxWidth=15000, MinWidth=500, WidthIntervals=500, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True, silent=False, plot_initial=True)[source]

Tries a range of regions to search for peaks and runs the one with the least error and returns the parameters with the least errors.

CentralFreq : float

The central frequency to use for the fittings.

MaxWidth : float, optional

The maximum bandwidth to use for the fitting of the peaks.

MinWidth : float, optional

The minimum bandwidth to use for the fitting of the peaks.

WidthIntervals : float, optional

The intervals to use in going between the MaxWidth and MinWidth.

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to plot and show the final (best) fitting or not.

OmegaTrap : ufloat

Trapping frequency

A : ufloat

A parameter

Gamma : ufloat

Gamma, the damping parameter

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created showing the PSD of the data with the fit

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The axes object created showing the PSD of the data with the fit

get_fit_from_peak(lowerLimit, upperLimit, NumPointsSmoothing=1, silent=False, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True, plot_initial=True)[source]

Finds approximate values for the peaks central frequency, height, and FWHM by looking for the heighest peak in the frequency range defined by the input arguments. It then uses the central frequency as the trapping frequency, peak height to approximate the A value and the FWHM to an approximate the Gamma (damping) value.

lowerLimit : float

The lower frequency limit of the range in which it looks for a peak

upperLimit : float

The higher frequency limit of the range in which it looks for a peak

NumPointsSmoothing : float

The number of points of moving-average smoothing it applies before fitting the peak.

Silent : bool, optional

Whether it prints the values fitted or is silent.

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether it makes and shows the figure object or not.

OmegaTrap : ufloat

Trapping frequency

A : ufloat

A parameter

Gamma : ufloat

Gamma, the damping parameter

get_time_data(timeStart=None, timeEnd=None)[source]

Gets the time and voltage data.

timeStart : float, optional

The time get data from. By default it uses the first time point

timeEnd : float, optional

The time to finish getting data from. By default it uses the last time point

time : ndarray

array containing the value of time (in seconds) at which the voltage is sampled

voltage : ndarray

array containing the sampled voltages

load_time_data(RelativeChannelNo=None, SampleFreq=None, NumberOfChannels=None, PointsToLoad=-1, NormaliseByMonitorOutput=False)[source]

Loads the time and voltage data and the wave description from the associated file.

RelativeChannelNo : int, optional

Channel number for loading .bin saleae data files If loading a .mat file produced by the picoscope using picolog, used to specifiy the channel ID as follows: 0 = Channel ‘A’, 1 = Channel ‘B’, 2 = Channel ‘C’ and 3 = Channel ‘D’ If loading a .bin file saved using custom code to interface with the Picoscope used to specify the channel number to load in conjunction with the NumberOfChannels parameter, if left None with .bin files it will assume that the file to load only contains one channel. If loading a .dat file produced by the labview NI5122 daq card, used to specifiy the channel number if two channels where saved, if left None with .dat files it will assume that the file to load only contains one channel. If NormaliseByMonitorOutput is True then RelativeChannelNo specifies the monitor channel for loading a .dat file produced by the labview NI5122 daq card.

SampleFreq : float, optional

Manual selection of sample frequency for loading labview NI5122 daq files and .mat and .bin files recorded using the Picoscope

NumberOfChannels : int, optional

Total number of channels present in a .bin file recorded using a Picoscope.

PointsToLoad : int, optional

Number of first points to read. -1 means all points (i.e., the complete file) WORKS WITH NI5122 AND PICOSCOPE .BIN DATA SO FAR ONLY!!!

NormaliseByMonitorOutput : bool, optional

If True the particle signal trace will be divided by the monitor output, which is specified by the channel number set in the RelativeChannelNo parameter. WORKS WITH NI5122 DATA SO FAR ONLY!!!

plot_PSD(xlim=None, units='kHz', show_fig=True, timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

plot the pulse spectral density.

xlim : array_like, optional

The x limits of the plotted PSD [LowerLimit, UpperLimit] Default value is [0, SampleFreq/2]

units : string, optional

Units of frequency to plot on the x axis - defaults to kHz

show_fig : bool, optional

If True runs plt.show() before returning figure if False it just returns the figure object. (the default is True, it shows the figure)

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The subplot object created

plot_phase_space(freq, ConvFactor, PeakWidth=10000, FractionOfSampleFreq=1, timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, PointsOfPadding=500, units='nm', show_fig=True, ShowPSD=False, xlabel='', ylabel='', *args, **kwargs)[source]
plot_phase_space_sns(freq, ConvFactor, PeakWidth=10000, FractionOfSampleFreq=1, kind='hex', timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, PointsOfPadding=500, units='nm', logscale=False, cmap=None, marginalColor=None, gridsize=200, show_fig=True, ShowPSD=False, alpha=0.5, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the phase space of a peak in the PSD.

freq : float

The frequenecy of the peak (Trapping frequency of the dimension of interest)

ConvFactor : float (or ufloat)

The conversion factor between Volts and Meters

PeakWidth : float, optional

The width of the peak. Defaults to 10KHz

FractionOfSampleFreq : int, optional

The fraction of the sample freq to use to filter the data. Defaults to 1.

kind : string, optional

kind of plot to draw - pass to jointplot from seaborne

timeStart : float, optional

Starting time for data from which to calculate the phase space. Defaults to start of time data.

timeEnd : float, optional

Ending time for data from which to calculate the phase space. Defaults to start of time data.

PointsOfPadding : float, optional

How many points of the data at the beginning and end to disregard for plotting the phase space, to remove filtering artifacts. Defaults to 500.

units : string, optional

Units of position to plot on the axis - defaults to nm

cmap : matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap, optional

cmap to use for plotting the jointplot

marginalColor : string, optional

color to use for marginal plots

gridsize : int, optional

size of the grid to use with kind=”hex”

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figure before exiting the function Defaults to True.

ShowPSD : bool, optional

Where to show the PSD of the unfiltered and the filtered signal used to make the phase space plot. Defaults to False.

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

figure object containing the phase space plot

JP : seaborn.jointplot object

joint plot object containing the phase space plot

plot_spectrogram(timePerFFT=0.0003, title='', ylim=None, timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, xunits='s', yunits='kHz', return_data=False, animate=False, filename='animation.gif', show_fig=True, **kwargs)[source]

plot the spectrogram or produce an animated plot the spectrogram.

timePerFFT : float, default: 1e-3

The time in xunits used in each block for the FFT.

title : string, optional

title to be displayed on the plot

ylim : array_like, optional

The y limits of the plotted spectrogram [LowerLimit, UpperLimit] Default value is [0, SampleFreq/2]

timeStart : float, optional

Starting time for spectrogram calculation. Defaults to start of time data.

timeEnd : float, optional

Ending time for spectrogram calculation. Defaults to end of time data.

xunits : string, optional

Units of time used for timePerFFT, timeStart and timeEnd - defaults to s

yunits : string, optional

Units of frequency limits to plot on the y axis - defaults to kHz

return_data : bool, optional

If True data (spec, freqs and t) of spectrogram will be returned

animate : bool, optional

If True will animate the spectrogram plot.

filename : string, optional

filename to save animation

show_fig : bool, optional

If True runs plt.show() before returning figure if False it just returns the figure object. (the default is True, it shows the figure)

spectrum : 2D array

Columns are the periodograms of successive segments. Only returned if return_data=True

freqs : 1-D array

The frequencies corresponding to the rows in spectrum. Only returned if return_data=True

t : 1-D array

The times corresponding to midpoints of segments (i.e., the columns in spectrum). Only returned if return_data=True

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The subplot object created

plot_time_data(timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, units='s', show_fig=True)[source]

plot time data against voltage data.

timeStart : float, optional

The time to start plotting from. By default it uses the first time point

timeEnd : float, optional

The time to finish plotting at. By default it uses the last time point

units : string, optional

units of time to plot on the x axis - defaults to s

show_fig : bool, optional

If True runs plt.show() before returning figure if False it just returns the figure object. (the default is True, it shows the figure)

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The subplot object created


Writes time data to a csv file.

filename : string

filename of csv file to be written

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.GenCmap(basecolor, ColorRange, NumOfColors, logscale=False)[source]
optoanalysis.optoanalysis.IFFT_filter(Signal, SampleFreq, lowerFreq, upperFreq, PyCUDA=False)[source]

Filters data using fft -> zeroing out fft bins -> ifft

Signal : ndarray

Signal to be filtered

SampleFreq : float

Sample frequency of signal

lowerFreq : float

Lower frequency of bandpass to allow through filter

upperFreq : float

Upper frequency of bandpass to allow through filter

PyCUDA : bool, optional

If True, uses PyCUDA to accelerate the FFT and IFFT via using your NVIDIA-GPU If False, performs FFT and IFFT with conventional scipy.fftpack

FilteredData : ndarray

Array containing the filtered data

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.IIR_filter_design(CentralFreq, bandwidth, transitionWidth, SampleFreq, GainStop=40, GainPass=0.01)[source]

Function to calculate the coefficients of an IIR filter, IMPORTANT NOTE: make_butterworth_bandpass_b_a and make_butterworth_b_a can produce IIR filters with higher sample rates and are prefereable due to this.

CentralFreq : float

Central frequency of the IIR filter to be designed

bandwidth : float

The width of the passband to be created about the central frequency

transitionWidth : float

The width of the transition band between the pass-band and stop-band

SampleFreq : float

The sample frequency (rate) of the data to be filtered

GainStop : float, optional

The dB of attenuation within the stopband (i.e. outside the passband)

GainPass : float, optional

The dB attenuation inside the passband (ideally close to 0 for a bandpass filter)

b : ndarray

coefficients multiplying the current and past inputs (feedforward coefficients)

a : ndarray

coefficients multiplying the past outputs (feedback coefficients)

class optoanalysis.optoanalysis.ORGTableData(filename)[source]

Bases: object

Class for reading in general data from org-mode tables.

The table must be formatted as in the example below:

` | RunNo | ColumnName1 | ColumnName2 | |-------+-------------+-------------| |   3   |     14      |     15e3    | `

In this case the run number would be 3 and the ColumnName2-value would be 15e3 (15000.0).

get_value(ColumnName, RunNo)[source]

Retreives the value of the collumn named ColumnName associated with a particular run number.

ColumnName : string

The name of the desired org-mode table’s collumn

RunNo : int

The run number for which to retreive the pressure value

Value : float

The value for the column’s name and associated run number

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.PSD_fitting_eqn(A, OmegaTrap, Gamma, omega)[source]

The value of the fitting equation: A / ((OmegaTrap**2 - omega**2)**2 + (omega * Gamma)**2) to be fit to the PSD

A : float

Fitting constant A A = γ**2*Γ_0*(2*K_b*T_0)/(m) where:

γ = conversionFactor Γ_0 = Damping factor due to environment π = pi

OmegaTrap : float

The trapping frequency in the axis of interest (in angular frequency)

Gamma : float

The damping factor Gamma = Γ = Γ_0 + δΓ where:

Γ_0 = Damping factor due to environment δΓ = extra damping due to feedback or other effects

omega : float

The angular frequency to calculate the value of the fitting equation at

Value : float

The value of the fitting equation

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.PSD_fitting_eqn2(A, OmegaTrap, Gamma, omega)[source]

The value of the fitting equation: A / ((OmegaTrap**2 - omega**2)**2 + (omega * Gamma)**2) to be fit to the PSD

A : float

Fitting constant A A = γ**2*(2*K_b*T_0)/(m) where:

γ = conversionFactor Γ_0 = Damping factor due to environment π = pi

OmegaTrap : float

The trapping frequency in the axis of interest (in angular frequency)

Gamma : float

The damping factor Gamma = Γ = Γ_0 + δΓ where:

Γ_0 = Damping factor due to environment δΓ = extra damping due to feedback or other effects

omega : float

The angular frequency to calculate the value of the fitting equation at

Value : float

The value of the fitting equation

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.PSD_fitting_eqn_with_background(A, OmegaTrap, Gamma, FlatBackground, omega)[source]

The value of the fitting equation: A / ((OmegaTrap**2 - omega**2)**2 + (omega * Gamma)**2) + FlatBackground to be fit to the PSD

A : float

Fitting constant A A = γ**2*Γ_0*(2*K_b*T_0)/(m) where:

γ = conversionFactor Γ_0 = Damping factor due to environment π = pi

OmegaTrap : float

The trapping frequency in the axis of interest (in angular frequency)

Gamma : float

The damping factor Gamma = Γ = Γ_0 + δΓ where:

Γ_0 = Damping factor due to environment δΓ = extra damping due to feedback or other effects

FlatBackground : float

Adds a constant offset to the peak to account for a flat noise background

omega : float

The angular frequency to calculate the value of the fitting equation at

Value : float

The value of the fitting equation

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.animate(zdata, xdata, ydata, conversionFactorArray, timedata, BoxSize, timeSteps=100, filename='particle')[source]

Animates the particle’s motion given the z, x and y signal (in Volts) and the conversion factor (to convert between V and nm).

zdata : ndarray

Array containing the z signal in volts with time.

xdata : ndarray

Array containing the x signal in volts with time.

ydata : ndarray

Array containing the y signal in volts with time.

conversionFactorArray : ndarray

Array of 3 values of conversion factors for z, x and y (in units of Volts/Metre)

timedata : ndarray

Array containing the time data in seconds.

BoxSize : float

The size of the box in which to animate the particle - in nm

timeSteps : int, optional

Number of time steps to animate

filename : string, optional

filename to create the mp4 under (<filename>.mp4)

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.animate_2Dscatter(x, y, NumAnimatedPoints=50, NTrailPoints=20, xlabel='', ylabel='', xlims=None, ylims=None, filename='testAnim.mp4', bitrate=100000.0, dpi=500.0, fps=30, figsize=[6, 6])[source]

Animates x and y - where x and y are 1d arrays of x and y positions and it plots x[i:i+NTrailPoints] and y[i:i+NTrailPoints] against each other and iterates through i.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.animate_2Dscatter_slices(x, y, NumAnimatedPoints=50, xlabel='', ylabel='', xlims=None, ylims=None, filename='testAnim.mp4', bitrate=100000.0, dpi=500.0, fps=30, figsize=[6, 6])[source]

Animates x and y - where x and y are both 2d arrays of x and y positions and it plots x[i] against y[i] and iterates through i.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.arrange_plots_on_one_canvas(FigureAxTupleArray, title='', SubtitleArray=[], number_of_columns=2, show_fig=True)[source]

Arranges plots, given in an array of tuples consisting of fig and axs, onto a subplot-figure consisting of number_of_columns horizontal times the lenght of the passed (fig,axs)-array divided by number_of_columns vertical subplots

FigureAxTupleArray : array-like

array of Tuples(fig, axs) outputted from the other plotting funtions inside optoanalysis

title : string, optional

string for the global title of the overall combined figure

SubtitleArray : array-like, optional

array of titles for each figure-set to be plotted, i.e. subplots

number_of_columns : int, optional

Number of columns in the subplot grid By default set to 2 columns

show_fig : bool, optional

If True runs plt.show() before returning figure if False it just returns the figure object. (the default is True, it shows the figure)

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.audiate(signal, AudioSampleFreq, filename)[source]
optoanalysis.optoanalysis.butterworth_filter(Signal, SampleFreq, lowerFreq, upperFreq)[source]

Filters data using by constructing a 5th order butterworth IIR filter and using scipy.signal.filtfilt, which does phase correction after implementing the filter (as IIR filter apply a phase change)

Signal : ndarray

Signal to be filtered

SampleFreq : float

Sample frequency of signal

lowerFreq : float

Lower frequency of bandpass to allow through filter

upperFreq : float

Upper frequency of bandpass to allow through filter

FilteredData : ndarray

Array containing the filtered data

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_PSD(Signal, SampleFreq, NPerSegment=1000000, window='hann')[source]

Extracts the pulse spectral density (PSD) from the data.

Signal : array-like

Array containing the signal to have the PSD calculated for

SampleFreq : float

Sample frequency of the signal array

NPerSegment : int, optional

Length of each segment used in scipy.welch default = 1000000

window : str or tuple or array_like, optional

Desired window to use. See get_window for a list of windows and required parameters. If window is array_like it will be used directly as the window and its length will be used for nperseg. default = “hann”

freqs : ndarray

Array containing the frequencies at which the PSD has been calculated

PSD : ndarray

Array containing the value of the PSD at the corresponding frequency value in V**2/Hz

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_RSquared(time, Signal, SampleFreq, CenterFreq, CutOffFreq, FractionOfSampleFreq)[source]

Calculates the R Squared signal from a given Signal using demodulated signals and butterworth filtering.

time : array-like

Array containing the time data points of the Signal

Signal : array-like

Array containing the signal to have the RSquared calculated for

SampleFreq : float

Sampling frequncy of the Signal

CenterFreq : float

central frequency of your Signal (oscillator)

CutOffFreq : float

is the cut off frequncy to get rid of the 2*omega component, make this several times larger than your linewidth, in Hz

FractionOfSampleFreq : integer, optional

The fraction of the sample frequency to sub-sample the data by. This sometimes needs to be done because a filter with the appropriate frequency response may not be generated using the sample rate at which the data was taken. Increasing this number means the R Squared signal produced by this function will be sampled at a lower rate but a higher number means a higher chance that the filter produced will have a nice frequency response.

RSquared : ndarray

Array containing the value of the RSquared signal

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_acceleration(xdata, dt)[source]

Calculates the acceleration from the position

xdata : ndarray

Position data

dt : float

time between measurements

acceleration : ndarray

values of acceleration from position 2 to N.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_autocorrelation(Signal, FFT=False, PyCUDA=False)[source]

Calculates the autocorrelation from a given Signal via using

Signal : array-like

Array containing the signal to have the autocorrelation calculated for

FFT : optional, bool

Uses FFT to accelerate autocorrelation calculation, but assumes certain certain periodicity on the signal to autocorrelate. Zero-padding is added to account for this periodicity assumption.

PyCUDA : bool, optional

If True, uses PyCUDA to accelerate the FFT and IFFT via using your NVIDIA-GPU If False, performs FFT and IFFT with conventional scipy.fftpack

Autocorrelation : ndarray

Array containing the value of the autocorrelation evaluated at the corresponding amount of shifted array-index.


Calculates the FFT of the passed signal by using the scikit-cuda libary which relies on PyCUDA

Signal : ndarray

Signal to be transformed into Fourier space

Signalfft : ndarray

Array containing the signal’s FFT

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_gamma_components(Data_ref, Data)[source]

Calculates the components of Gamma (Gamma0 and delta_Gamma), assuming that the Data_ref is uncooled data (ideally at 3mbar for best fitting). It uses the fact that A_prime=A/Gamma0 should be constant for a particular particle under changes in pressure and therefore uses the reference save to calculate A_prime (assuming the Gamma value found for the uncooled data is actually equal to Gamma0 since only collisions should be causing the damping. Therefore for the cooled data Gamma0 should equal A/A_prime and therefore we can extract Gamma0 and delta_Gamma.

A_prime = ConvFactor**2 * (2*k_B*T0/(pi*m))

Data_ref : DataObject

Reference data set, assumed to be 300K

Data : DataObject

Data object to have the temperature calculated for

Gamma0 : uncertainties.ufloat

Damping due to the environment

delta_Gamma : uncertainties.ufloat

Damping due to other effects (e.g. feedback cooling)


Calculates the inverse-FFT of the passed FFT-signal by using the scikit-cuda libary which relies on PyCUDA

Signalfft : ndarray

FFT-Signal to be transformed into Real space

Signal : ndarray

Array containing the ifft signal

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_mass_from_fit_and_conv_factor(A, Damping, ConvFactor)[source]

Calculates mass from the A parameter from fitting, the damping from fitting in angular units and the Conversion factor calculated from comparing the ratio of the z signal and first harmonic of z.

A : float

A factor calculated from fitting

Damping : float

damping in radians/second calcualted from fitting

ConvFactor : float

conversion factor between volts and nms

mass : float

mass in kgs

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_mass_from_z0(z0, w0)[source]

Calculates the mass of the particle using the equipartition from the angular frequency of the z signal and the average amplitude of the z signal in nms.

z0 : float

Physical average amplitude of motion in nms

w0 : float

Angular Frequency of z motion

mass : float

mass in kgs


calculates the mean amplitude by calculating the RMS of the signal and then multiplying it by √2.

signal : ndarray
array of floats containing an AC signal
mean_amplitude : float

the mean amplitude of the signal


Given the mass of a particle calculates the radius, assuming a 1800 kg/m**3 density.

Mass : float

mass in kgs

Radius : float

radius in ms

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_reduced_chi_squared(y_observed, y_model, observation_error, number_of_fitted_parameters)[source]

Calculates the reduced chi-squared, used to compare a model to observations. For example can be used to calculate how good a fit is by using fitted y values for y_model along with observed y values and error in those y values. Reduced chi-squared should be close to 1 for a good fit, lower than 1 suggests you are overestimating the measurement error (observation_error you entered is higher than the true error in the measurement). A value higher than 1 suggests either your model is a bad fit OR you are underestimating the error in the measurement (observation_error you entered is lower than the true error in the measurement). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduced_chi-squared_statistic for more detail.

y_observed : ndarray

array of measured/observed values of some variable y which you are fitting to.

y_model : ndarray

array of y values predicted by your model/fit (predicted y values corresponding to y_observed)

observation_error : float

error in the measurements/observations of y

number_of_fitted_parameters : float

number of parameters in your model

chi2_reduced : float

reduced chi-squared parameter

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_temp(Data_ref, Data)[source]

Calculates the temperature of a data set relative to a reference. The reference is assumed to be at 300K.

Data_ref : DataObject

Reference data set, assumed to be 300K

Data : DataObject

Data object to have the temperature calculated for

T : uncertainties.ufloat

The temperature of the data set

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.calc_z0_and_conv_factor_from_ratio_of_harmonics(z, z2, NA=0.999)[source]

Calculates the Conversion Factor and physical amplitude of motion in nms by comparison of the ratio of the heights of the z signal and second harmonic of z.

z : ndarray

array containing z signal in volts

z2 : ndarray

array containing second harmonic of z signal in volts

NA : float

NA of mirror used in experiment

z0 : float

Physical average amplitude of motion in nms

ConvFactor : float

Conversion Factor between volts and nms


Counts the number of unique collisions and gets the collision index.

Collisions : array_like

Array of booleans, containing true if during a collision event, false otherwise.

CollisionCount : int

Number of unique collisions

CollisionIndicies : list

Indicies of collision occurance

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.dynamical_potential(xdata, dt, order=3)[source]

Computes potential from spring function

xdata : ndarray

Position data for a degree of freedom, at which to calculate potential

dt : float

time between measurements

order : int

order of polynomial to fit

Potential : ndarray

valued of potential at positions in xdata

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.extract_parameters(Pressure, PressureErr, A, AErr, Gamma0, Gamma0Err, method='chang')[source]

Calculates the radius, mass and conversion factor and thier uncertainties. For values to be correct data must have been taken with feedback off and at pressures of around 1mbar (this is because the equations assume harmonic motion and at lower pressures the uncooled particle experiences anharmonic motion (due to exploring furthur outside the middle of the trap). When cooled the value of Gamma (the damping) is a combination of the enviromental damping and feedback damping and so is not the correct value for use in this equation (as it requires the enviromental damping). Environmental damping can be predicted though as A=const*Gamma0. By fitting to 1mbar data one can find the value of the const and therefore Gamma0 = A/const

Pressure : float

Pressure in mbar when the data was taken

PressureErr : float

Error in the Pressure as a decimal (e.g. 15% error is 0.15)

A : float

Fitting constant A A = γ**2*2*Γ_0*(K_b*T_0)/(π*m) where: γ = conversionFactor Γ_0 = Damping factor due to environment π = pi

AErr : float

Error in Fitting constant A

Gamma0 : float

The enviromental damping factor Gamma_0 = Γ_0

Gamma0Err : float

The error in the enviromental damping factor Gamma_0 = Γ_0

Params : list

[radius, mass, conversionFactor] The extracted parameters

ParamsError : list

[radiusError, massError, conversionFactorError] The error in the extracted parameters

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.extract_slices(z, freq, sample_freq, show_plot=False)[source]

Iterates through z trace and pulls out slices of length period_samples and assigns them a phase from -180 to 180. Each slice then becomes a column in the 2d array that is returned. Such that the row (the first index) refers to phase (i.e. dat[0] are all the samples at phase = -180) and the column refers to the oscillation number (i.e. dat[:, 0] is the first oscillation).

z : ndarray

trace of z motion

freq : float

frequency of motion

sample_freq : float

sample frequency of the z array

show_plot : bool, optional (default=False)

if true plots and shows the phase plotted against the positon for each oscillation built on top of each other.

phase : ndarray

phase (in degrees) for each oscillation

phase_slices : ndarray

2d numpy array containing slices as detailed above.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.find_collisions(Signal, tolerance=50)[source]

Finds collision events in the signal from the shift in phase of the signal.

Signal : array_like

Array containing the values of the signal of interest containing a single frequency.

tolerance : float

Percentage tolerance, if the value of the FM Discriminator varies from the mean by this percentage it is counted as being during a collision event (or the aftermath of an event).

Collisions : ndarray

Array of booleans, true if during a collision event, false otherwise.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.fit_PSD(Data, bandwidth, TrapFreqGuess, AGuess=1000000000.0, GammaGuess=400, FlatBackground=None, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True, plot_initial=True)[source]

Fits theory PSD to Data. Assumes highest point of PSD is the trapping frequency.

Data : DataObject

data object to be fitted

bandwidth : float

bandwidth around trapping frequency peak to fit the theory PSD to

TrapFreqGuess : float

The approximate trapping frequency to use initially as the centre of the peak

AGuess : float, optional

The initial value of the A parameter to use in fitting

GammaGuess : float, optional

The initial value of the Gamma parameter to use in fitting

FlatBackground : float, optional

If given a number the fitting function assumes a flat background to get more exact Area, which does not factor in noise. defaults to None, which fits a model with no flat background contribution, basically no offset

MakeFig : bool, optional

Whether to construct and return the figure object showing the fitting. defaults to True

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figure object when it has been created. defaults to True

ParamsFit - Fitted parameters:

[A, TrappingFrequency, Gamma, FlatBackground(optional)]

ParamsFitErr - Error in fitted parameters:

[AErr, TrappingFrequencyErr, GammaErr, FlatBackgroundErr(optional)]

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

figure object containing the plot

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object
axes with the data plotted of the:
  • initial data
  • initial fit
  • final fit
optoanalysis.optoanalysis.fit_RSquared_PSD(RSquared_PSD, RSquared_freqs, GammaGuess, AGuess, OffsetGuess, CutOffFreq, Fit_xlim, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True)[source]

Fits equation 3 of paper (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023349) plus additive Offset to the computed PSD of the R Squared signal and returns the parameters with errors.

RSquared_PSD : array

array containing PSD of the R Squared signal to be fitted

RSquared_freqs : array

array containing the frequencies of each point the PSD of the RSquared signal was computed

GammaGuess : float

The approximate Big Gamma (in radians) to use initially

AGuess : float

Inital guess for multiplicative factor for R^2 which equals: 8*(S_F/(2m^2*Omega0^2))^2

OffsetGuess : float

Additive Offset to the fitting equation.

CutOffFreq : float

is the cut off frequency applied via a lowpass filter when calculating the R Squared signal

Fit_xlim : list of float, optional

limits the R Squared PSD signal used for the fit function i.e.: [lowerLimit, upperLimit]

MakeFig : bool, optional

Whether to construct and return the figure object showing the fitting. defaults to True

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figure object when it has been created. defaults to True

ParamsFit - Fitted parameters:

[A, Gamma, Offset]

ParamsFitErr - Error in fitted parameters:

[AErr, GammaErr, OffsetErr]

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

figure object containing the plot

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object
axes with the data plotted of the:
  • initial data
  • final fit
optoanalysis.optoanalysis.fit_autocorrelation(autocorrelation, time, GammaGuess, TrapFreqGuess=None, method='energy', MakeFig=True, show_fig=True)[source]

Fits exponential relaxation theory to data.

autocorrelation : array

array containing autocorrelation to be fitted

time : array

array containing the time of each point the autocorrelation was evaluated

GammaGuess : float

The approximate Big Gamma (in radians) to use initially

TrapFreqGuess : float

The approximate trapping frequency to use initially in Hz.

method : string, optional

To choose which autocorrelation fit is needed. ‘position’ : equation 4.20 from Tongcang Li’s 2013 thesis

(DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6031-2)

‘energy’ : proper exponential energy correlation decay

(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.062151)

MakeFig : bool, optional

Whether to construct and return the figure object showing the fitting. defaults to True

show_fig : bool, optional

Whether to show the figure object when it has been created. defaults to True

ParamsFit - Fitted parameters:

‘variance’-method : [Gamma] ‘position’-method : [Gamma, AngularTrappingFrequency]

ParamsFitErr - Error in fitted parameters:

‘varaince’-method : [GammaErr] ‘position’-method : [GammaErr, AngularTrappingFrequencyErr]

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

figure object containing the plot

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object
axes with the data plotted of the:
  • initial data
  • final fit
optoanalysis.optoanalysis.fit_curvefit(p0, datax, datay, function, **kwargs)[source]

Fits the data to a function using scipy.optimise.curve_fit

p0 : array_like

initial parameters to use for fitting

datax : array_like

x data to use for fitting

datay : array_like

y data to use for fitting

function : function

funcion to be fit to the data


keyword arguments to be passed to scipy.optimise.curve_fit

pfit_curvefit : array

Optimal values for the parameters so that the sum of the squared residuals of ydata is minimized

perr_curvefit : array

One standard deviation errors in the optimal values for the parameters

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.fit_data(freq_array, S_xx_array, AGuess, OmegaTrap, GammaGuess, freq_range=None, make_fig=True, show_fig=True, **kwargs)[source]
optoanalysis.optoanalysis.fit_data_2(freq_array, S_xx_array, AGuess, OmegaTrap, GammaGuess, make_fig=True, show_fig=True)[source]
optoanalysis.optoanalysis.fit_radius_from_potentials(z, SampleFreq, Damping, HistBins=100, show_fig=False)[source]

Fits the dynamical potential to the Steady State Potential by varying the Radius.

z : ndarray
Position data
SampleFreq : float
frequency at which the position data was sampled
Damping : float
value of damping (in radians/second)
HistBins : int
number of values at which to evaluate the steady state potential / perform the fitting to the dynamical potential
Radius : float

Radius of the nanoparticle

RadiusError : float

One Standard Deviation Error in the Radius from the Fit (doesn’t take into account possible error in damping)

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

figure showing fitted dynamical potential and stationary potential

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

axes for above figure

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.fit_to_ringdown(time, signal, time_start, time_stop, Gamma_guess)[source]

Calculates the digital FM discriminator from a real-valued time signal.

Signal : array-like

A real-valued time signal

fmDiscriminator : array-like

The digital FM discriminator of the argument signal

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.get_ZXY_data(Data, zf, xf, yf, FractionOfSampleFreq=1, zwidth=10000, xwidth=5000, ywidth=5000, filterImplementation='filtfilt', timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, NPerSegmentPSD=1000000, MakeFig=True, show_fig=True)[source]

Given a Data object and the frequencies of the z, x and y peaks (and some optional parameters for the created filters) this function extracts the individual z, x and y signals (in volts) by creating IIR filters and filtering the Data.

Data : DataObject

DataObject containing the data for which you want to extract the z, x and y signals.

zf : float

The frequency of the z peak in the PSD

xf : float

The frequency of the x peak in the PSD

yf : float

The frequency of the y peak in the PSD

FractionOfSampleFreq : integer, optional

The fraction of the sample frequency to sub-sample the data by. This sometimes needs to be done because a filter with the appropriate frequency response may not be generated using the sample rate at which the data was taken. Increasing this number means the x, y and z signals produced by this function will be sampled at a lower rate but a higher number means a higher chance that the filter produced will have a nice frequency response.

zwidth : float, optional

The width of the pass-band of the IIR filter to be generated to filter Z.

xwidth : float, optional

The width of the pass-band of the IIR filter to be generated to filter X.

ywidth : float, optional

The width of the pass-band of the IIR filter to be generated to filter Y.

filterImplementation : string, optional

filtfilt or lfilter - use scipy.filtfilt or lfilter default: filtfilt

timeStart : float, optional

Starting time for filtering

timeEnd : float, optional

Ending time for filtering

show_fig : bool, optional

If True - plot unfiltered and filtered PSD for z, x and y. If False - don’t plot anything

zdata : ndarray

Array containing the z signal in volts with time.

xdata : ndarray

Array containing the x signal in volts with time.

ydata : ndarray

Array containing the y signal in volts with time.

timedata : ndarray

Array containing the time data to go with the z, x, and y signal.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.get_ZXY_data_IFFT(Data, zf, xf, yf, zwidth=10000, xwidth=5000, ywidth=5000, timeStart=None, timeEnd=None, show_fig=True)[source]

Given a Data object and the frequencies of the z, x and y peaks (and some optional parameters for the created filters) this function extracts the individual z, x and y signals (in volts) by creating IIR filters and filtering the Data.

Data : DataObject

DataObject containing the data for which you want to extract the z, x and y signals.

zf : float

The frequency of the z peak in the PSD

xf : float

The frequency of the x peak in the PSD

yf : float

The frequency of the y peak in the PSD

zwidth : float, optional

The width of the pass-band of the IIR filter to be generated to filter Z.

xwidth : float, optional

The width of the pass-band of the IIR filter to be generated to filter X.

ywidth : float, optional

The width of the pass-band of the IIR filter to be generated to filter Y.

timeStart : float, optional

Starting time for filtering

timeEnd : float, optional

Ending time for filtering

show_fig : bool, optional

If True - plot unfiltered and filtered PSD for z, x and y. If False - don’t plot anything

zdata : ndarray

Array containing the z signal in volts with time.

xdata : ndarray

Array containing the x signal in volts with time.

ydata : ndarray

Array containing the y signal in volts with time.

timedata : ndarray

Array containing the time data to go with the z, x, and y signal.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.get_ZXY_freqs(Data, zfreq, xfreq, yfreq, bandwidth=5000)[source]

Determines the exact z, x and y peak frequencies from approximate frequencies by finding the highest peak in the PSD “close to” the approximate peak frequency. By “close to” I mean within the range: approxFreq - bandwidth/2 to approxFreq + bandwidth/2

Data : DataObject

DataObject containing the data for which you want to determine the z, x and y frequencies.

zfreq : float

An approximate frequency for the z peak

xfreq : float

An approximate frequency for the z peak

yfreq : float

An approximate frequency for the z peak

bandwidth : float, optional

The bandwidth around the approximate peak to look for the actual peak. The default value is 5000

trapfreqs : list

List containing the trap frequencies in the following order (z, x, y)

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.get_freq_response(a, b, show_fig=True, SampleFreq=6.283185307179586, NumOfFreqs=500, whole=False)[source]

This function takes an array of coefficients and finds the frequency response of the filter using scipy.signal.freqz. show_fig sets if the response should be plotted

b : array_like

Coefficients multiplying the x values (inputs of the filter)

a : array_like

Coefficients multiplying the y values (outputs of the filter)

show_fig : bool, optional

Verbosity of function (i.e. whether to plot frequency and phase response or whether to just return the values.) Options (Default is 1): False - Do not plot anything, just return values True - Plot Frequency and Phase response and return values

SampleFreq : float, optional

Sample frequency (in Hz) to simulate (used to convert frequency range to normalised frequency range)

NumOfFreqs : int, optional

Number of frequencies to use to simulate the frequency and phase response of the filter. Default is 500.

Whole : bool, optional

Sets whether to plot the whole response (0 to sample freq) or just to plot 0 to Nyquist (SampleFreq/2): False - (default) plot 0 to Nyquist (SampleFreq/2) True - plot the whole response (0 to sample freq)

freqList : ndarray

Array containing the frequencies at which the gain is calculated

GainArray : ndarray

Array containing the gain in dB of the filter when simulated (20*log_10(A_out/A_in))

PhaseDiffArray : ndarray

Array containing the phase response of the filter - phase difference between the input signal and output signal at different frequencies

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.get_time_slice(time, z, zdot=None, timeStart=None, timeEnd=None)[source]

Get slice of time, z and (if provided) zdot from timeStart to timeEnd.

time : ndarray

array of time values

z : ndarray

array of z values

zdot : ndarray, optional

array of zdot (velocity) values.

timeStart : float, optional

time at which to start the slice. Defaults to beginnging of time trace

timeEnd : float, optional

time at which to end the slide. Defaults to end of time trace

time_sliced : ndarray

array of time values from timeStart to timeEnd

z_sliced : ndarray

array of z values from timeStart to timeEnd

zdot_sliced : ndarray

array of zdot values from timeStart to timeEnd. None if zdot not provided

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.get_wigner(z, freq, sample_freq, histbins=200, show_plot=False)[source]

Calculates an approximation to the wigner quasi-probability distribution by splitting the z position array into slices of the length of one period of the motion. This slice is then associated with phase from -180 to 180 degrees. These slices are then histogramed in order to get a distribution of counts of where the particle is observed at each phase. The 2d array containing the counts varying with position and phase is then passed through the inverse radon transformation using the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique approximation from the scikit-image package.

z : ndarray

trace of z motion

freq : float

frequency of motion

sample_freq : float

sample frequency of the z array

histbins : int, optional (default=200)

number of bins to use in histogramming data for each phase

show_plot : bool, optional (default=False)

Whether or not to plot the phase distribution

iradon_output : ndarray

2d array of size (histbins x histbins)

bin_centres : ndarray

positions of the bin centres

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.histogram_phase(phase_slices, phase, histbins=200, show_plot=False)[source]

histograms the phase slices such as to build a histogram of the position distribution at each phase value.

phase_slices : ndarray

2d array containing slices from many oscillations at each phase

phase : ndarray

1d array of phases corresponding to slices

histbins : int, optional (default=200)

number of bins to use in histogramming data

show_plot : bool, optional (default=False)

if true plots and shows the heatmap of the phase against the positon distribution

counts_array : ndarray

2d array containing the number of counts varying with phase and position.

bin_edges : ndarray

positions of bin edges

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.load_data(Filepath, ObjectType='data', RelativeChannelNo=None, SampleFreq=None, NumberOfChannels=None, PointsToLoad=-1, calcPSD=True, NPerSegmentPSD=1000000, NormaliseByMonitorOutput=False, silent=False)[source]
Filepath : string

filepath to the file containing the data used to initialise and create an instance of the DataObject class

ObjectType : string, optional

type to load the data as, takes the value ‘default’ if not specified. Options are: ‘data’ : optoanalysis.DataObject ‘thermo’ : optoanalysis.thermo.ThermoObject

RelativeChannelNo : int, optional

If loading a .bin file produced by the Saneae datalogger, used to specify the channel number If loading a .mat file produced by the picoscope using picolog, used to specifiy the channel ID as follows: 0 = Channel ‘A’, 1 = Channel ‘B’, 2 = Channel ‘C’ and 3 = Channel ‘D’ If loading a .bin file saved using custom code to interface with the Picoscope used to specify the channel number to load in conjunction with the NumberOfChannels parameter, if left None with .bin files it will assume that the file to load only contains one channel. If loading a .dat file produced by the labview NI5122 daq card, used to specifiy the channel number if two channels where saved, if left None with .dat files it will assume that the file to load only contains one channel. If NormaliseByMonitorOutput is True then RelativeChannelNo specifies the monitor channel for loading a .dat file produced by the labview NI5122 daq card.

SampleFreq : float, optional

Manual selection of sample frequency for loading labview NI5122 daq files and .mat and .bin files recorded using the Picoscope

NumberOfChannels : int, optional

Total number of channels present in a .bin file recorded using a Picoscope.

PointsToLoad : int, optional

Number of first points to read. -1 means all points (i.e., the complete file) WORKS WITH NI5122 AND PICOSCOPE .BIN DATA SO FAR ONLY!!!

calcPSD : bool, optional

Whether to calculate the PSD upon loading the file, can take some time off the loading and reduce memory usage if frequency space info is not required

NPerSegmentPSD : int, optional

NPerSegment to pass to scipy.signal.welch to calculate the PSD

NormaliseByMonitorOutput : bool, optional

If True the particle signal trace will be divided by the monitor output, which is specified by the channel number set in the RelativeChannelNo parameter. WORKS WITH NI5122 DATA SO FAR ONLY!!!

Data : DataObject

An instance of the DataObject class contaning the data that you requested to be loaded.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.make_butterworth_b_a(lowcut, highcut, SampleFreq, order=5, btype='band')[source]

Generates the b and a coefficients for a butterworth IIR filter.

lowcut : float

frequency of lower bandpass limit

highcut : float

frequency of higher bandpass limit

SampleFreq : float

Sample frequency of filter

order : int, optional

order of IIR filter. Is 5 by default

btype : string, optional

type of filter to make e.g. (band, low, high)

b : ndarray

coefficients multiplying the current and past inputs (feedforward coefficients)

a : ndarray

coefficients multiplying the past outputs (feedback coefficients)

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.make_butterworth_bandpass_b_a(CenterFreq, bandwidth, SampleFreq, order=5, btype='band')[source]

Generates the b and a coefficients for a butterworth bandpass IIR filter.

CenterFreq : float

central frequency of bandpass

bandwidth : float

width of the bandpass from centre to edge

SampleFreq : float

Sample frequency of filter

order : int, optional

order of IIR filter. Is 5 by default

btype : string, optional

type of filter to make e.g. (band, low, high)

b : ndarray

coefficients multiplying the current and past inputs (feedforward coefficients)

a : ndarray

coefficients multiplying the past outputs (feedback coefficients)

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.make_dynamical_potential_func(kBT_Gamma, density, SpringPotnlFunc)[source]

Creates the function that calculates the potential given the position (in volts) and the radius of the particle.

kBT_Gamma : float

Value of kB*T/Gamma

density : float

density of the nanoparticle

SpringPotnlFunc : function

Function which takes the value of position (in volts) and returns the spring potential

PotentialFunc : function

function that calculates the potential given the position (in volts) and the radius of the particle.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.moving_average(array, n=3)[source]

Calculates the moving average of an array.

array : array

The array to have the moving average taken of

n : int

The number of points of moving average to take

MovingAverageArray : array

The n-point moving average of the input array

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.multi_load_data(Channel, RunNos, RepeatNos, directoryPath='.', calcPSD=True, NPerSegmentPSD=1000000)[source]

Lets you load multiple datasets at once assuming they have a filename which contains a pattern of the form: CH<ChannelNo>_RUN00…<RunNo>_REPEAT00…<RepeatNo>

Channel : int

The channel you want to load

RunNos : sequence

Sequence of run numbers you want to load

RepeatNos : sequence

Sequence of repeat numbers you want to load

directoryPath : string, optional

The path to the directory housing the data The default is the current directory

Data : list

A list containing the DataObjects that were loaded.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.multi_load_data_custom(Channel, TraceTitle, RunNos, directoryPath='.', calcPSD=True, NPerSegmentPSD=1000000)[source]

Lets you load multiple datasets named with the LeCroy’s custom naming scheme at once.

Channel : int

The channel you want to load

TraceTitle : string

The custom trace title of the files.

RunNos : sequence

Sequence of run numbers you want to load

RepeatNos : sequence

Sequence of repeat numbers you want to load

directoryPath : string, optional

The path to the directory housing the data The default is the current directory

Data : list

A list containing the DataObjects that were loaded.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.multi_plot_3d_dist(ZXYData, N=1000, AxisOffset=0, Angle=-40, LowLim=None, HighLim=None, ColorArray=None, alphaLevel=0.3, show_fig=True)[source]

Plots serveral Z, X and Y datasets as a 3d scatter plot with heatmaps of each axis pair in each dataset.

ZXYData : ndarray

Array of arrays containing Z, X, Y data e.g. [[Z1, X1, Y1], [Z2, X2, Y2]]

N : optional, int

Number of time points to plot (Defaults to 1000)

AxisOffset : optional, double

Offset to add to each axis from the data - used to get a better view of the heat maps (Defaults to 0)

LowLim : optional, double

Lower limit of x, y and z axis

HighLim : optional, double

Upper limit of x, y and z axis

show_fig : optional, bool

Whether to show the produced figure before returning

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The subplot object created

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.multi_plot_PSD(DataArray, xlim=[0, 500], units='kHz', LabelArray=[], ColorArray=[], alphaArray=[], show_fig=True)[source]

plot the pulse spectral density for multiple data sets on the same axes.

DataArray : array-like

array of DataObject instances for which to plot the PSDs

xlim : array-like, optional

2 element array specifying the lower and upper x limit for which to plot the Power Spectral Density

units : string

units to use for the x axis

LabelArray : array-like, optional

array of labels for each data-set to be plotted

ColorArray : array-like, optional

array of colors for each data-set to be plotted

show_fig : bool, optional

If True runs plt.show() before returning figure if False it just returns the figure object. (the default is True, it shows the figure)

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The axes object created

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.multi_plot_time(DataArray, SubSampleN=1, units='s', xlim=None, ylim=None, LabelArray=[], show_fig=True)[source]

plot the time trace for multiple data sets on the same axes.

DataArray : array-like

array of DataObject instances for which to plot the PSDs

SubSampleN : int, optional

Number of intervals between points to remove (to sub-sample data so that you effectively have lower sample rate to make plotting easier and quicker.

xlim : array-like, optional

2 element array specifying the lower and upper x limit for which to plot the time signal

LabelArray : array-like, optional

array of labels for each data-set to be plotted

show_fig : bool, optional

If True runs plt.show() before returning figure if False it just returns the figure object. (the default is True, it shows the figure)

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The axes object created

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.multi_subplots_time(DataArray, SubSampleN=1, units='s', xlim=None, ylim=None, LabelArray=[], show_fig=True)[source]

plot the time trace on multiple axes

DataArray : array-like

array of DataObject instances for which to plot the PSDs

SubSampleN : int, optional

Number of intervals between points to remove (to sub-sample data so that you effectively have lower sample rate to make plotting easier and quicker.

xlim : array-like, optional

2 element array specifying the lower and upper x limit for which to plot the time signal

LabelArray : array-like, optional

array of labels for each data-set to be plotted

show_fig : bool, optional

If True runs plt.show() before returning figure if False it just returns the figure object. (the default is True, it shows the figure)

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created

axs : list of matplotlib.axes.Axes objects

The list of axes object created


Parse an org-table (input as a list of strings split by newline) into a Pandas data frame.

lines : string

an org-table input as a list of strings split by newline

dataframe : pandas.DataFrame

A data frame containing the org-table’s data

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.plot_3d_dist(Z, X, Y, N=1000, AxisOffset=0, Angle=-40, LowLim=None, HighLim=None, show_fig=True)[source]

Plots Z, X and Y as a 3d scatter plot with heatmaps of each axis pair.

Z : ndarray

Array of Z positions with time

X : ndarray

Array of X positions with time

Y : ndarray

Array of Y positions with time

N : optional, int

Number of time points to plot (Defaults to 1000)

AxisOffset : optional, double

Offset to add to each axis from the data - used to get a better view of the heat maps (Defaults to 0)

LowLim : optional, double

Lower limit of x, y and z axis

HighLim : optional, double

Upper limit of x, y and z axis

show_fig : optional, bool

Whether to show the produced figure before returning

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

The figure object created

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

The subplot object created

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.plot_wigner2d(iradon_output, bin_centres, cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, figsize=(6, 6))[source]

Plots the wigner space representation as a 2D heatmap.

iradon_output : ndarray

2d array of size (histbins x histbins)

bin_centres : ndarray

positions of the bin centres

cmap : matplotlib.cm.cmap, optional (default=cm.cubehelix_r)

color map to use for Wigner

figsize : tuple, optional (default=(6, 6))

tuple defining size of figure created

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

figure showing the wigner function

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

axes containing the object

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.plot_wigner3d(iradon_output, bin_centres, bin_centre_units='', cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, view=(10, -45), figsize=(10, 10))[source]

Plots the wigner space representation as a 3D surface plot.

iradon_output : ndarray

2d array of size (histbins x histbins)

bin_centres : ndarray

positions of the bin centres

bin_centre_units : string, optional (default=””)

Units in which the bin_centres are given

cmap : matplotlib.cm.cmap, optional (default=cm.cubehelix_r)

color map to use for Wigner

view : tuple, optional (default=(10, -45))

view angle for 3d wigner plot

figsize : tuple, optional (default=(10, 10))

tuple defining size of figure created

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

figure showing the wigner function

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes object

axes containing the object

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.search_data_custom(Channel, TraceTitle, RunNos, directoryPath='.')[source]

Lets you create a list with full file paths of the files named with the LeCroy’s custom naming scheme.

Channel : int

The channel you want to load

TraceTitle : string

The custom trace title of the files.

RunNos : sequence

Sequence of run numbers you want to load

RepeatNos : sequence

Sequence of repeat numbers you want to load

directoryPath : string, optional

The path to the directory housing the data The default is the current directory

Paths : list

A list containing the full file paths of the files you were looking for.

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.search_data_std(Channel, RunNos, RepeatNos, directoryPath='.')[source]

Lets you find multiple datasets at once assuming they have a filename which contains a pattern of the form: CH<ChannelNo>_RUN00…<RunNo>_REPEAT00…<RepeatNo>

Channel : int

The channel you want to load

RunNos : sequence

Sequence of run numbers you want to load

RepeatNos : sequence

Sequence of repeat numbers you want to load

directoryPath : string, optional

The path to the directory housing the data The default is the current directory

Data_filepaths : list

A list containing the filepaths to the matching files

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.steady_state_potential(xdata, HistBins=100)[source]

Calculates the steady state potential. Used in fit_radius_from_potentials.

xdata : ndarray

Position data for a degree of freedom

HistBins : int

Number of bins to use for histogram of xdata. Number of position points at which the potential is calculated.

position : ndarray

positions at which potential has been calculated

potential : ndarray

value of potential at the positions above

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.take_closest(myList, myNumber)[source]

Assumes myList is sorted. Returns closest value to myNumber. If two numbers are equally close, return the smallest number.

myList : array

The list in which to find the closest value to myNumber

myNumber : float

The number to find the closest to in MyList

closestValue : float

The number closest to myNumber in myList

optoanalysis.optoanalysis.unit_conversion(array, unit_prefix, current_prefix='')[source]

Converts an array or value to of a certain unit scale to another unit scale.

Accepted units are: E - exa - 1e18 P - peta - 1e15 T - tera - 1e12 G - giga - 1e9 M - mega - 1e6 k - kilo - 1e3 m - milli - 1e-3 u - micro - 1e-6 n - nano - 1e-9 p - pico - 1e-12 f - femto - 1e-15 a - atto - 1e-18

array : ndarray

Array to be converted

unit_prefix : string

desired unit (metric) prefix (e.g. nm would be n, ms would be m)

current_prefix : optional, string

current prefix of units of data (assumed to be in SI units by default (e.g. m or s)

converted_array : ndarray

Array multiplied such as to be in the units specified