Source code for optoanalysis.Saleae.Saleae

import struct
import numpy as _np

[docs]def get_chunks(Array, Chunksize): """Generator that yields chunks of size ChunkSize""" for i in range(0, len(Array), Chunksize): yield Array[i:i + Chunksize]
[docs]def read_data_from_bin_file(fileName): """ Loads the binary data stored in the a binary file and extracts the data for each channel that was saved, along with the sample rate and length of the data array. Parameters ---------- fileContent : bytes bytes object containing the data from a .bin file exported from the saleae data logger. Returns ------- ChannelData : list List containing a list which contains the data from each channel LenOf1Channel : int The length of the data in each channel NumOfChannels : int The number of channels saved SampleTime : float The time between samples (in seconds) SampleRate : float The sample rate (in Hz) """ with open(fileName, mode='rb') as file: # b is important -> binary fileContent = (ChannelData, LenOf1Channel, NumOfChannels, SampleTime) = read_data_from_bytes(fileContent) return ChannelData, LenOf1Channel, NumOfChannels, SampleTime
[docs]def read_data_from_bytes(fileContent): """ Takes the binary data stored in the binary string provided and extracts the data for each channel that was saved, along with the sample rate and length of the data array. Parameters ---------- fileContent : bytes bytes object containing the data from a .bin file exported from the saleae data logger. Returns ------- ChannelData : list List containing a list which contains the data from each channel LenOf1Channel : int The length of the data in each channel NumOfChannels : int The number of channels saved SampleTime : float The time between samples (in seconds) SampleRate : float The sample rate (in Hz) """ TotalDataLen = struct.unpack('Q', fileContent[:8])[0] # Unsigned long long NumOfChannels = struct.unpack('I', fileContent[8:12])[0] # unsigned Long SampleTime = struct.unpack('d', fileContent[12:20])[0] AllChannelData = struct.unpack("f" * ((len(fileContent) -20) // 4), fileContent[20:]) # ignore the heading bytes (= 20) # The remaining part forms the body, to know the number of bytes in the body do an integer division by 4 (since 4 bytes = 32 bits = sizeof(float) LenOf1Channel = int(TotalDataLen/NumOfChannels) ChannelData = list(get_chunks(AllChannelData, LenOf1Channel)) return ChannelData, LenOf1Channel, NumOfChannels, SampleTime
[docs]def interpret_waveform(fileContent, RelativeChannelNo): """ Extracts the data for just 1 channel and computes the corresponding time array (in seconds) starting from 0. Important Note: RelativeChannelNo is NOT the channel number on the Saleae data logger it is the relative number of the channel that was saved. E.g. if you save channels 3, 7 and 10, the corresponding RelativeChannelNos would be 0, 1 and 2. Parameters ---------- fileContent : bytes bytes object containing the data from a .bin file exported from the saleae data logger. RelativeChannelNo : int The relative order/position of the channel number in the saved binary file. See Important Note above! Returns ------- time : ndarray A generated time array corresponding to the data list Data : list The data from the relative channel requested SampleTime : float The time between samples (in seconds) """ (ChannelData, LenOf1Channel, NumOfChannels, SampleTime) = read_data_from_bytes(fileContent) if RelativeChannelNo > NumOfChannels-1: raise ValueError("There are {} channels saved, you attempted to read relative channel number {}. Pick a relative channel number between {} and {}".format(NumOfChannels, RelativeChannelNo, 0, NumOfChannels-1)) data = ChannelData[RelativeChannelNo] del(ChannelData) time = _np.arange(0, SampleTime*LenOf1Channel, SampleTime) return (0,SampleTime*LenOf1Channel,SampleTime), data